Welcome to the West Texas AGC
Legislative Action Center!
“We in America do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate.” Thomas Jefferson
Some elections are behind us while others are set before us. There are both veteran and new faces in every level of government that serve the areas in the West Texas AGC Chapter. Just as it is our right and responsibility to vote, it is our right and responsibility to support those in office both financially and with the expertise from our industry. It is imperative that as citizens, we become informed throughout the year about the issues that affect our companies, your families and your communities, and making sure our legislators hear from us before making important decisions.
There are elected officials serving our communities, great State of Texas and the U.S. who will be making decisions that affect our companies and our employees. The good news is that you can make a difference by getting involved! This website has all the tools you need to not only learn more about legislators and candidates but also the issues that matter to West Texas AGC and AGC of America. Now it is up to you, to take the next step, by making your voice heard, be involved and as needed, contact your legislators about issues that affect you.
As a member of West Texas Chapter AGC, you have excellent legislative representation at the State of Texas AGC-TBB, Texas Building Branch Chapter and AGC of America. The Associate General Contractors Legislative and Advocacy efforts are recognized as the best in the country representing associations and for the construction industry. These partners are found at quick links.
The construction industry and the millions of workers it employs have much at stake in November of 2022. The industry is facing Presidentially supported union organization that could restrict opportunities and unclear ‘Buy America’ standards. After working through the worst of COVID months, the country has extreme shortages of materials and manpower. It is especially important to elect local, state, and federal leaders willing to work for common-sense solutions to the challenges facing the construction industry and its workforce. That’s why AGC encourages use of TurboVote to help America reach a higher voter turnout. AGC makes it very easy to receive election reminders via email or text, register to vote, and apply for an absentee ballot using the TurboVote tool. Sign up today at agc.turbovote.org. OR simply select the link below at AGC – Associated General Contractors of America/Advocacy to go directly to TuboVote and begin your registration.
• AGC -Associated General Contractors of America / Advocacy
• Texas Building Branch AGC-TBB – Leading the commercial construction industry in Texas in Legislative Issues
• Texas AGC-TBB Capital Roundup
The following links provide access to voter information, officials names and contact information.
- COUNTY OFFICIALS IN TEXAS – State Secretary of State Office
- STATE OF TEXAS – Texas Legislature online