Incorporated in 1952, the West Texas Chapter is one of the largest geographical AGC Chapters in the United States covering approximately 75,000 square miles. The territory includes 69 counties from the Red River at Wichita Falls, moving west to Lubbock and the New Mexico border, out to the far reaches of the Permian Basin and loop back south east of Abilene into northern areas of central Texas.
General Contractors, Sub-contractors, Suppliers, and Professional Service members’ make-up the chapter membership. Our firms range from family owned business to large corporations with offices in multiple cities and states. The concentration of membership is located in Lubbock, Midland/Odessa, Wichita Falls, Abilene, San Angelo, and the Brownwood areas. Construction opportunity and room to grow is clearly a plus for members in West Texas AGC.
The desire to uphold the industry’s highest standards while members remain at the forefront of the competitive construction market is the focus of the programs pursued and provided by West Texas AGC. The counties shaded in red on the map below are in the West Texas Chapter incorporated territory.